About courses
Language Hub
of Zhytomyr State
Polytechnic University

Become proficient in world languages and open up new opportunities!



Choose the course you need and open up new opportunities!



Choose the course you need and open up new opportunities!



The course is specially designed to learn a foreign language from scratch. You will learn to speak a foreign language fluently on everyday topics, master writing, listening and reading skills. In addition, the course includes online interactive activities, 24/7 synchronous and asynchronous support and chats with native speakers.


hours or 60 classes





Викладачі курсу

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Oxana Chernysh

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Oxana Chernysh

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Oxana Chernysh

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


The course is designed for B2 learners. It will teach you not only to speak, but also to think in a foreign language, as well as to use grammatical and lexical constructions successfully. You will learn effective strategies for reading and writing academic texts, improve listening, reading, speaking and writing skills.


The course will develop your skills in writing articles for further indexing in the leading scientific databases Scopus and WoS. You will understand the important scientific vocabulary used in the articles and monographs. Moreover, the course will equip you with effective grammatical structures and speech patterns. In addition, you will deepen into the peculiarities of scientific style. Therefore, you will learn to professionally present the results of your research in a foreign language.


The course is effective for IT professionals who want to get positions of middle and senior specialists or provide their services in the international market. You will acquire professional terminology, improve your writing and grammar skills and get experience of effective communication with colleagues and clients.


The course is for those who practice law and want to enter the international market, work with foreign investors, and service foreign economic contracts. You will acquire professional terminology; improve your writing and grammar skills and get experience of effective communication with colleagues and clients.


The course provides thorough preparation for international exams. You will improve your speaking, listening, reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary skills. What is more, the course equips with effective techniques and life hacks to pass the exam successfully. The course prepares for: GCSE (ZNO), PTE, BTEC, IELTS, KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, BEC DELF, DALF, TEF, DCL, TCF, DILF TelcDeutsch, TestDaF, DSH, DTZ, Pole Card Exam, HSK, TOCFL, CCCC.


Enjoy live communication with native speakers and overcome your own language barriers. The course is aimed at developing speaking, listening and vocabulary skills.

What our students say

I enrolled on an English course on the recommendation of my friend, as English is needed for work and interviews in the field of IT. English classes were very interesting so I attended them with pleasure. The teachers are super-professionals! I had a good time studying. Now I can speak English fluently. Moreover, I know many useful idioms


Sales manager

The teachers are true professionals, responsible and reliable. They conduct interesting and creative classes! In six months I improved my level of English from B1 (Intermediate) to C1 (Advanced)

Sabibolda Akejan Muratuly

Assistant of the Department of Electronics and Space Technologies (Satbaev University), a swimming coach for adults and children (Royal Club)

A great time learning! Excellent teachers, convenient format, pleasant atmosphere, interesting classes, individual approach, affordable prices - all at a high level. Highly recommend!


future applied linguist

A great course! I have developed my vocabulary skills and overcome the language barrier. Highly recommend!


Web designer

English course is intense and interesting. Favourable learning environment. The teachers have a sense of humor and motivate to study. Good value for money!


future applied linguist

Excellent teachers with a good sense of humor, favorable learning environment, professional and friendly approach to students learning. The highest level of teaching!


future applied linguist

Frequently asked questions

Will I get full access to the course after paying for it?

After paying for the course, you will get access to the course platform and the course materials. The access will be for 1 year only.

Do you offer a discount on your courses?

No, but you will get a free crunch course when you purchase the course.

Do you offer post-course support?

Yes, you will have access to Language Hub Chat with our teachers. You can also join our Speaking Clubs.

Will I get any certificate on my course completion?

Yes, you will receive the Certificate on successful 120-hour Course Completion on condition of submitting all the tasks required. 

Is it possible to enroll on the course if it has already started?

Yes, you can join the course during the connecting week.

What is the course schedule?

We have a flexible schedule discussed with the learners in advance.

Is there any feedback?

Yes, during the course you will get constant synchronous & asynchronous feedback.

Ready to learn from the experts

Language Hub of Zhytomyr State Polytechnic University